Law Resources

Blog: Accidents

Fires and explosions are unexpected, traumatic events that can cause serious physical and psychological injuries and even lead to death. Explosions are typically a result of corporate or human negligence, and because victims are…
Motorcyclists are more vulnerable on the road than those who drive trucks, cars, and other enclosed vehicles. Even when motorcyclists obey the law and ride carefully, accidents may still occur. If you or a loved one has been in a…
Manufacturers owe consumers a promise that their products are safe and will not lead to intentional harm. However, sometimes accidents occur or the final product experiences some kind of defect. In those cases, individuals may have…
Getting into an accident can be pretty scary, especially on a motorcycle. And according to a 2013 statistic by the Insurance Information Institute, motorcyclists are five times more likely to be injured in an accident than car…
In our previous blog on automobile accidents we covered what to do if you happen to be involved in an accident and what the benefits are of hiring a lawyer in that situation. In this blog, we cover safe driving practices that will…
An automobile accident can be a life-changing event that leaves people seriously injured. Some accidents are straightforward, whereas others are more complex and require legal action. Whether you have a minor fender bender or a…
Farms are the heart of our nation. Farmers have worked hard throughout history in providing the resources we use every day and, in many cases, take for granted. Due to the amount of mental and physical work required with the job,…
Coping with the loss of a loved one may be the most difficult and stressful thing we ever experience. Spouses, children, parents, and others who are close to the decedent may never recover emotionally. It can also take years for…